Ridan composter

Ridan composter

The economic solution for in vessel composting

The Ridan® composter is the simple and economic solution for the in vessel composters range of our company, coming from the UK.

Capable of continuously processing from 80 to 400 litres of organic waste each week.

The aeration of the organic waste takes place by turning the handle every time you add waste. As organic waste is loaded at one end it heats up and compost in stages, before automatically emerging from the outlet at the other end.


No external power source is required.

Ridan’s range of food waste treatment systems are suitable for the on-site processing of:

  • Cooked & Uncooked Meat & Fish
  • Cooked & Uncooked Fruit & Vegetables
  • Garden Waste
  • Animal Waste (including some types of bedding)

Ridan how it works




Model Small Medium Large
Length (m) 2.1 2.4 2.5
Diameter (m) 1 1 1
Height (m) 1.4 1.5 1.6
Capacity per week (Lt) 80 200 400
Weight (kg) 50 60 70

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